Mas Sajady XI Podcast 196: The Ocean


In the midst of today’s chaos, you may ask “What does the ocean have anything to do with what’s going on?” Listen in on this episode, and I’ll share with you why The Ocean was a harbinger for a bright future that will be shared with humanity soon.

Although the event with The Ocean had already occurred over a previous 21-Day Medihealing®, I decided to create this episode because of the immense dignity and impact my listeners and I experienced when noticing the shift. The next phase of human growth and potential shared was truly exciting and I conclude this episode with an additional Medihealing to help bring you into that moment of awe as well as into your higher self.

Looking back as I forged into conversation with The Ocean, you might wonder why there is a paradox to the peace within the message while the mechanics towards it spews rage or destruction. It dawned on me how honored yet fearful I felt to be a part of it all—that it was all my creation and therefore my responsibility. Similar to how animals and nature had seen us for who we really were, I outline how you may feel the same way too had you noticed your grand being in contrast with your complicit behaviors throughout human history.

In spite of it all—from greed to gull—The Ocean brought forth what was to come and that all of consciousness was to be reclaimed and therefore catch up. If there was any indication that humanity’s consciousness was behind time, just take a look at our technologies used today that still are not able to mimic that technology which created your body and nature that surrounds you.

Do you see now how much grander we can truly be?