Mas Sajady XI Podcast 14: XI on Financial Abundance

In XI Episode 13: A Medihealing® on Financial Abundance, I helped you break free from your financial patterns. Now in this episode,  I dive deeper into the world of financial abundance.

In this podcast, we discuss why so many people have financial issues, how we are all abundant, and what are the specific steps for success. 

At the end of the episode, I’ll guide you through a specific Medihealing on financial abundance.  This one will lay the foundation for financial abundance and use the wealth frequencies of successful individuals in order to bring your abundance to the next level.

You can Subscribe to the podcast  on  iTunes,  SoundCloud,  Stitcher or Google Play

"You are naturally in a state of abundance once you awaken through exponential intelligence."

Show Notes:

  • Why a lot of people have issues with finances

  • How we are all abundant in the spirit form

  • What Xponential Intelligence can do for your finances

  • How religion effects finances

  • Why people think they need to work long hours

  • How the frequencies of wealth and abundance are generated

  • Client testimonials on greater financial abundance

"You would not see so many atrocities in the world if we were all perfectly abundant."

  • Why money is a transfer of energy

  • How affirmations work for wealth

  • The Xponential Intelligence steps to gain financial abundance

  • What is wealth frequency

  • Why some listeners experience financial detoxing

"Money has been put on a pedestal out of reach to control the masses."

This Week's Mas Work:

"1. Start a savings account. 2.  Get into the habit of making sure you pay yourself first every time you receive money. 3. Revisit your spending habits." and please share your story with us on Facebook.

This Week's Medihealing:

At the end of this episode, I guide you into a Medihealing to build a solid foundation for financial abundance.  And then, we work to combine your wealth frequency with the wealth frequencies of highly successful individuals.

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"When things start working for you, anything can happen."